Results for 'Bianca Machado Borba Soll'

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  1.  28
    Use of the House-Tree-Person Projective Drawings and Parental Styles Inventory in the Global Psychological Evaluation of Transgender Youth Who Seek Healthcare at the Gender Identity Program.Bianca Machado Borba Soll, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Anna Martha Vaitses Fontanari, Ítala Raymundo Chinazzo, Dhiordan Cardoso da Silva, Karine Schwarz, Maiko Abel Schneider, Cesar Augusto Nunes Bridi Filho, Claudia Garcia de Garcia, André Real, Silza Tramontina & Maria Inês Rodrigues Lobato - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Brain Maturation, Cognition and Voice Pattern in a Gender Dysphoria Case under Pubertal Suppression.Maiko A. Schneider, Poli M. Spritzer, Bianca Machado Borba Soll, Anna M. V. Fontanari, Marina Carneiro, Fernanda Tovar-Moll, Angelo B. Costa, Dhiordan C. da Silva, Karine Schwarz, Maurício Anes, Silza Tramontina & Maria I. R. Lobato - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  3.  13
    Mito e emancipação em Walter Benjamin e Herbert Marcuse.Francisco De Ambrosis Pinheiro Machado - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1671-1688.
    Resumo: O presente artigo traça um paralelo e faz uma aproximação entre a concepção de mito em Walter Benjamin e Herbert Marcuse. Busca-se mostrar como estes autores, em certo momento de suas obras, propõem uma superação do mito a partir do mesmo, ou seja, sem abdicar de um certo potencial emancipatório presente em sua dimensão imagética e em seu vínculo com a fantasia. Palavras-chave: Walter Benjamin; Herbert Marcuse; mito; emancipação; fantasia; imagem. Myth and Emancipation in Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse (...)
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    Barboza, J. El Náufrago de la Existencia.Gleisy Picoli - 2024 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 69 (1):e45754.
    El libro El Náufrago de la Existencia: Machado de Assis y Arthur Schopenhauer – Caricatura, Parodia, Tragedia y Ética Animal de Jair Barboza explora la influencia de Schopenhauer en la obra de Machado de Assis, proponiendo que el personaje Quincas Borba es una caricatura del filósofo alemán y su filosofía del humanitismo una parodia del pesimismo metafísico schopenhaueriano. Barboza se basa en descubrimientos bibliográficos y analiza obras como Memorias Póstumas de Brás Cubas y Quincas Borba para (...)
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    Loucura de amor.Jair Barboza - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12:e07.
    O presente texto examina a definição de loucura de amor em Schopenhauer para, a partir do exemplo literário da personagem Ofélia do Hamlet de Shakespeare, dado pelo Boddhishatva de Frankfurt, fazer uma conexão com a loucura de amor da personagem Rubião do romance Quincas Borba de Machado de Assis.
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    Resenha do livro O náufrago da existência, de Jair Barboza.Antonio Alves Pereira Junior - 2023 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 13 (2):e3.
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  7. in defense of a presuppositional account of slurs.Bianca Cepollaro - 2015 - Language Sciences 52:36-45.
    Abstract In the last fifteen years philosophers and linguists have turned their attention to slurs: derogatory expressions that target certain groups on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality and so on. This interest is due to the fact that, on the one hand, slurs possess puzzling linguistic properties; on the other hand, the questions they pose are related to other crucial issues, such as the descriptivism/expressivism divide, the semantics/pragmatics divide and, generally speaking, the theory of meaning. Despite these (...)
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    Slurs and Thick Terms: When Language Encodes Values.Bianca Cepollaro - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    What is the relation between language, communication, and values? In Slurs and Thick Terms, Bianca Cepollaro explores the ways in which certain pieces of evaluative language, such as slurs and so-called thick terms, not only reflect speakers’ moral perspectives, but also contribute to promote the speaker’s evaluative stance.
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  9. Hybrid Evaluatives: In Defense of a Presuppositional Account.Bianca Cepollaro & Isidora Stojanovic - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (3):458-488.
    In this paper, the authors present a presuppositional account for a class of evaluative terms that encode both a descriptive and an evaluative component: slurs and thick terms. The authors discuss several issues related to the hybrid nature of these terms, such as their projective behavior, the ways in which one may reject their evaluative content, and the ways in which evaluative content is entailed or implicated (as the case may be) by the use of such terms.
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    Biosfera e trasformazioni genetiche.M. Bianca - 1989 - Global Bioethics 2 (5):29-41.
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    The Power to Shape Contexts: The Transmission of Descriptive and Evaluative Contents.Bianca Cepollaro - 2022 - In David Bordonaba Plou, Víctor Fernández Castro & José Ramón Torices, The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 199-210.
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    Domestic Violence in the Postmodern Society Ethical and Forensic Aspects.Bianca Hanganu, Dragos Crauciuc, Valentin Petre Ciudin, Alexandra Velnic, Irina Manoilescu & Beatrice Gabriela Ioan - 2017 - Postmodern Openings 8 (3):46-58.
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    Maternal, neonatal and community factors influencing neonatal mortality in Brazil.Carla Jorge Machado & Kenneth Hill - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (2):193-208.
    Child mortality (the mortality of children less than five years old) declined considerably in the developing world in the 1990s, but infant mortality declined less. The reductions in neonatal mortality were not impressive and, as a consequence, there is an increasing percentage of infant deaths in the neonatal period. Any further reduction in child mortality, therefore, requires an understanding of the determinants of neonatal mortality. 209,628 birth and 2581 neonatal death records for the 1998 birth cohort from the city of (...)
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  14. About life.Bianca Kennedy und Felix Kraus - 2016 - In Elif Özmen, Über Menschliches: Anthropologie zwischen Natur und Utopie. Münster: Mentis.
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    Spinal Cord Injury at Birth, Expected Medical and Health Complexity in Chronic Injury Guided Anew by Activity-Based Restorative Therapy: Case Report.Laura Leon Machado, Kathryn Noonan, Scott Bickel, Goutam Singh, Kyle Brothers, Margaret Calvery & Andrea L. Behrman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As infancy is characterized by rapid physical growth and critical periods of development, disruptions due to illness or disease reveal vulnerability associated with this period. Spinal cord injury has devastating consequences at any age, but its onset neonatally, at birth, or within the first year of life multiplies its impact. The immediate physical and physiological consequences are obvious and immense, but the effects on the typical trajectory of development are profound. Activity-based restorative therapies capitalize on activity-dependent plasticity of the neuromuscular (...)
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  16. Il pensiero filosofico di David Hume.Bianca Magnino - 1935 - Napoli,: A. Rondinella.
  17.  17
    Comparisons of Pacing Strategy and Technical-Tactical Behaviors in Female Mixed Martial Arts Rounds.Bianca Miarka, Gustavo Nascimento de Carvalho, Diego Ignácio Valenzuela Pérez, Esteban Aedo-Muñoz & Ciro José Brito - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  18. Social norms–an important determinant of individual television viewing.Bianca-Marina Mitu - 2009 - Analysis and Metaphysics 8:110-114.
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    Sonhos tir'nicos e uma poção mágica para as opressões na cabeça de Cármides no diálogo (homônimo) de Platão.Bianca Vilhena Campinho Pereira - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (3):134-148.
    Sabendo que Cármides sofria com dores na cabeça pela manhã, Sócrates se oferece para curar a enfermidade do jovem e, em busca do fármaco para o tratamento, conta que, enquanto esteve em Potideia, recebera o ensinamento de certas práticas mágicas de um discípulo de Zalmoxis. Possíveis causas para as opressões na cabeça de Cármides já foram aventadas, como, por exemplo, a ressaca da embriaguez e a própria intemperança, objeto de análise do diálogo. O nosso propósito neste artigo é, além de (...)
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    Die „dichterweihe" eines satirikers.Bianca-Jeanette Schröder - 1999 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 143 (1):148-154.
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  21. Counterspeech.Bianca Cepollaro, Maxime Lepoutre & Robert Mark Simpson - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 18 (1):e12890.
    Counterspeech is communication that tries to counteract potential harm brought about by other speech. Theoretical interest in counterspeech partly derives from a libertarian ideal – as captured in the claim that the solution to bad speech is more speech – and partly from a recognition that well-meaning attempts to counteract harm through speech can easily misfire or backfire. Here we survey recent work on the question of what makes counterspeech effective at remedying or preventing harm, in those cases where it (...)
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  22.  47
    The Right Hemisphere in Esthetic Perception.Bianca Bromberger, Rebecca Sternschein, Page Widick, William Smith & Anjan Chatterjee - 2011 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 5.
  23. Grounds and Structural Realism.Bianca-Alexandra Savu - 2017 - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 4 (1):97-106.
    Bianca-Alexandra Savu ABSTRACT: This article discusses the proposal of accommodating grounding theories and structural realism, with the aim to provide a metaphysical framework for structural realism. Ontic structural realism, one of the most accepted metaphysical versions for structural realism, is taken into account here, with the intention of analyzing the framework in which...
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  24. Rape Culture and Epistemology.Bianca Crewe & Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa - 2021 - In Jennifer Lackey, Applied Epistemology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 253–282.
    We consider the complex interactions between rape culture and epistemology. A central case study is the consideration of a deferential attitude about the epistemology of sexual assault testimony. According to the deferential attitude, individuals and institutions should decline to act on allegations of sexual assault unless and until they are proven in a formal setting, i.e., a criminal court. We attack this deference from several angles, including the pervasiveness of rape culture in the criminal justice system, the epistemology of testimony (...)
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  25.  5
    Dalla natura alla società: saggio sulla filosofia politico-sociale di Thomas Hobbes.Mariano Bianca - 1979 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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    Espressionismo e formalismo nella storia dell'estetica musicale.Giovanni A. Bianca - 1968 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    I presupposti estetici della dodecafonia.Giovanni A. Bianca - 1970 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  28.  26
    Contaminação do mundo da vida: que filosofia surge de um espirro?Eduardo De Borba - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e37.
    Que tipo de reflexão a filosofia pode fazer sobre uma pandemia? Em virtude do caráter singular da COVID-19, proponho uma leitura em termos de uma análise funcionalista das crises. Para chegar nisso, faço primeiro uma avaliação mais ampla do que há de comum ao nosso tempo, apresentando-o nos termos de um processo de consolidação e expansão do neoliberalismo como uma “gramática normativa central” para a organização e reprodução dos sistemas de reprodução social e agindo de forma colonizadora sobre os processos (...)
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  29.  21
    Casteism and India’s Failing Democracy in Bama’s Karukku, Baby Kamble’s The Prisons We Broke, and Baburao Bagul’s When I Hid My Caste.Bianca Cherechés - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):692-705.
    The aim of this article is to discuss three representative works by Dalit writers—Bama’s Karukku, the first autobiography by a Dalit woman, Baby Kamble’s memoir, The Prisons We Broke,...
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    Epistemic Logic: A Survey of the Logic of Knowledge.Alexandre Ziani de Borba - 2018 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 22 (3):533-537.
    Review of RESCHER, Nicholas. Epistemic Logic: A Survey of the Logic of Knowledge. Pittsburgh:University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005.
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    Rethinking brain asymmetries in humans.Bianca Dräger, Caterina Breitenstein & Stefan Knecht - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):598-599.
    Similar to directional asymmetries in animals, language lateralization in humans follows a bimodal distribution. A majority of individuals are lateralized to the left and a minority of individuals are lateralized to the right side of the brain. However, a biological advantage for either lateralization is lacking. The scenario outlined by Vallortigara & Rogers (V&R) suggests that language lateralization in humans is not specific to language or human speciation but simply follows an evolutionarily conserved organizational principle of the brain.
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    Toward an Understanding of International Students within Canadian Settler-colonial Capitalism.Bianca Gomez - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 14 (2):515-525.
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    At the Limits of Alphabetic Thought.Bianca Isaki - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (4).
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  34. Imagining Jerusalem in the Medieval West.Kühnel Bianca - 2012
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    Virtual Pilgrimages to Real Places: The Holy Landscapes.Bianca Kühnel - 2012 - In Kühnel Bianca, Imagining Jerusalem in the Medieval West. pp. 243.
    This chapter attempts to differentiate between types of monumental representations of Jerusalem, to locate them historically and to explore the reasons for their extraordinary density by deciphering the essentials of their function as mnemonic devices in the framework of medieval devotionalism. Conditioned by historical events such as the Crusades, Franciscan canonization of the Stations of the Cross and the Counter-Reformation, representation of Jerusalem gradually expanded from copies of Christ's tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to commemorate the Stations (...)
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  36. James's conception of novelistic truth and his aesthetic of fiction.Bianca-Marina Mitu - 2009 - Analysis and Metaphysics 8:99-103.
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    Publishing as an Indicator of Scientific Research Quality and Ethics: The Case of Law Journals from Moldova.Bianca Moldoveanu & Gheorghe Cuciureanu - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):1039-1052.
    This paper analyses the way articles are published in scientific journals in the field of law in the Republic of Moldova, including an experiment with a previously published article. Lack of compliance with journal publishing standards, including peer reviewing of articles, leads to the fact that virtually any article can be published. The examined journals do not perform their natural functions, but are rather used by researchers to report that they have scientific outcomes. The study allows us to consider that (...)
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    Forme di realtà e modi del pensiero: studi in onore di Mariano Bianca.Paolo Piccari & Mariano Bianca (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Die gewalt Des notwendigen.Bianca Theisen - 1991 - Nietzsche Studien 20 (1):186-209.
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    El impacto de las medidas antiterroristas en el ámbito de los derechos humanos. Un análisis de la aplicación de las sanciones inteligentes bajo la óptica de la protección del derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva = The impact of antiterrorist measures in the field of Human Rights. An analysis of the application of smart sanctions from the perspective of protecting the right to effective judicial protection.Bianca Leticia de Oliveira Tosta - 2019 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 31:65-88.
    RESUMEN: El trabajo aborda las sanciones inteligentes aplicadas por el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU en la lucha contra el terrorismo y tiene como objetivo analizar el impacto de aquellas en el ámbito de los derechos humanos, con énfasis en el derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva, lo que suscita complejas divergencias, cuyo análisis implica examen de cómo ocurre la articulación entre el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y los Estados demandados por éste en la aplicación de las (...)
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    The Healthy Body Paradox: Organizational and Interactional Influences on Preadolescent Girls’ Body Image in Los Angeles.Bianca D. M. Wilson, Kerrie Kauer & Lauren Rauscher - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (2):208-230.
    In this article, we present paradoxical findings from a formative evaluation research project that explores how preadolescent girls understand and feel about their bodies after participating in “Girls on the Run of Los Angeles County”, a girl-serving positive youth development program. Findings from pre/post test data show that girls’ body image improved after participation in GOTR LA, yet many girls also reported the dominant thin ideal and the importance of not being fat as key characteristics of strong and healthy bodies. (...)
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  42.  23
    “Making Education Possible Again”: Pragmatist Experiments for a Troubled and Down‐to‐Earth Pedagogy.Bianca Thoilliez - 2022 - Educational Theory 72 (4):491-507.
    In this article, Bianca Thoilliez draws on pragmatist notions of fallibilism and pluralism to develop proposals for possible educational interventions to address the problem of “post-truth” conditions. Post-truth, she contends, is not only a political danger for liberal democracies, but it also poses a serious threat of extinction for our educational practices. With the help of some of Bruno Latour's and Danna Haraway's categories, and with the narrative intervention of Gerald Durrell's My Family and Other Animals, Thoilliez attempts to (...)
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    The concept of brain death did not evolve to benefit organ transplants.C. Machado, J. Kerein, Y. Ferrer, L. Portela, M. de la C. Garcia & J. M. Manero - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):197-200.
    Although it is commonly believed that the concept of brain death was developed to benefit organ transplants, it evolved independently. Transplantation owed its development to advances in surgery and immunosuppressive treatment; BD owed its origin to the development of intensive care. The first autotransplant was achieved in the early 1900s, when studies of increased intracranial pressure causing respiratory arrest with preserved heartbeat were reported. Between 1902 and 1950, the BD concept was supported by the discovery of EEG, Crile’s definition of (...)
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  44.  4
    The Case of ‘Autistic’: Pejorative Uses and Reclamation.Bianca Cepollaro - unknown
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    How bad is it to report a slur? An empirical investigation.Bianca Cepollaro, Simone Sulpizio & Claudia Bianchi - 2019 - Journal of Pragmatics 146:32-42.
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    The Declaration of Sydney on human death.C. Machado, J. Korein, Y. Ferrer, L. Portela, M. D. L. C. Garcia, M. Chinchilla, Y. Machado & J. M. Manero - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (12):699-703.
    On 5 August 1968, publication of the Harvard Committee’s report on the subject of “irreversible coma” established a standard for diagnosing death on neurological grounds. On the same day, the 22nd World Medical Assembly met in Sydney, Australia, and announced the Declaration of Sydney, a pronouncement on death, which is less often quoted because it was overshadowed by the impact of the Harvard Report. To put those events into present-day perspective, the authors reviewed all papers published on this subject and (...)
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  47.  32
    A Leitura No Ensino Superior: Alguns Debates.Siomara Moreira Vieira Borba, Alexandre Augusto E. Souza & Deborah Carvalho de Lima - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 10.
    Neste texto, debatemos a leitura no ensino superior. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar alguns debates sobre a leitura no ensino superior. Foi realizadauma pesquisa bibliográfica com o objetivo de buscar textos em periódicos científicos que tratassem do tema leitura no ensino superior. Os debates identificados convergem para a relevância social da leitura e para o entendimento da leitura como uma habilidade a ser desenvolvida. Destacamos as preocupações com o significado social e com a aprendizagem da leitura na maioria dos (...)
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  48. Rhythms of Oblivion.Bianca Theisen - 1994 - In Peter J. Burgard, Nietzsche and the feminine. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. pp. 82--103.
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  49. Editors’ Introduction: The Challenge from Non-Derogatory Uses of Slurs.Bianca Cepollaro & Dan Zeman - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (1):1-10.
    The Introduction to "Non-Derogatory Uses of Slurs", special issue of Grazer Philosophische Studien.
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    Pesquisa Em Educação: Questões Político-Institucionais e de Formação Do Pesquisador.Siomara Moreira Vieira Borba, Tânia Cristina da Conceição Gregório & Alexandre Augusto E. Souza - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 8.
    Neste capítulo, pretende-se abordar a pesquisa em educação, considerando o processo político-institucional, com a criação dos programas de pós-graduação, e a formação do pesquisador. Para tanto, apresenta-se esta temática a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, com o objetivo de trazer ao debate questões concernentes ao campo acadêmico institucionalizado como locus principal da formação do pesquisador e da consolidação da produção de conhecimento científico. O referencial teórico que subsidia a apresentação da temática centra em Florestan Fernandes e Pierre Bourdieu.
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